For this example we'll use the /set_pixel endpoint to set a specific pixel on the canvas. Firstly we want to import our HTTP library, for now we'll use the requests (pip install requests) library.

This guide will use the [requests](<>) library but you can use [httpx](<>), [aiohttp](<>) or any client side HTTP library of your preference to interact with pixels.

You'll need to follow the Authentication guide and get to a stage where you can access your token in your Python script.

We need to create the authorization header for making API requests. We'll simply create a dictionary:

# Where "token" is your token from earlier.
  "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

Next, we will create the actual data we're going to send to the API, in this case we will set the pixel at (123, 12) to the hex value #87CEEB:

data = {
    "x": 123,
    "y": 12,
    "rgb": "87CEEB",

Finally, we can make the API request itself, for which we'll need to use the post method of requests to send a HTTP POST to the pixels webserver:

result =

# raise_for_status will cause Requests to throw an error if the Pixels API responds with a non-200 (success) code.

To check that the request went through correctly we'll print out the confirmation message that the API provides us with:


Which will print, in this case, added pixel at x=123,y=12 of color 87CEEB.